One of the main features of Oct8ne is its integrated viewer. The viewer is an interactive space shared by agents and customers, within the chat, to view images and videos of the products in your catalog. Simultaneously, you can zoom and draw on the items in your store to advise users in a much more agile way that allows you to close more sales.
As a general rule, if your store is developed in a common CMS such as (Woocommerce WP, Prestashop, Magento2, shopify, or VTEX.) and you install the Oct8ne plugin; your catalog will be 100% integrated.
Simultaneously, Oct8ne allows you to load products into an internal catalog, Oct8ne’s own, in order to display products in the viewer so characteristic of the tool. For this purpose, manual product uploads can be done through the interface, inside the Oct8ne panel.
Do I really need to have my products in the internal catalog of Oct8ne?
Maybe you want to have your catalog updated without installing the plugin we offer for platforms like WP, Prestashop, Magento2, shopify, or VTEX.
Or maybe, your online store does not have the Oct8ne plugin available for the CMS in which your website is developed; or you just want to have additional products to display in the viewer.
There are different types of uploads for the Oct8ne internal catalog. Now we look at it.
- SIMPLE PRODUCT (through panel)
First of all, you must create the categories you want to have in the Oct8ne internal catalog.
In the section 'Catalog' > 'Extra resources' you will find a category tree. You can create the categories and subcategories using the + button
For example:

Later you can create a product by clicking on the button 'Add new product'

A new section representing the product sheet will appear.
On the left side, you will see a form with the product data. You must fill in the following data:

- Product Name
- 100 characters maximum
- Field used by Oct8ne's internal search engine, to search.
- Product price
- 50 characters maximum
- Product landing page.
- The URL must begin with http or https.
- 250 characters maximum
- Accurate product description. You can use the same as the web page.
- You should not add 'html' tags.
- The URL must begin with http or https.
- 250 characters maximum
- Internal reference number of the product.
- 100 characters maximum
- Select the category from the previously created category tree.
The Item URL field is very important, since it is the field that allows to track the product. Using this field, we know which product the customer is looking at, and we can show it in the Oct8ne viewer.
For this, it is necessary that the Item URL field is IDENTICAL to the canonical URL of each product page.

In case the page does not have the rel='canonical' tag, the Item URL field must be identical to the page URL.
The reference field is the internal product number and can be used in the BOT to perform direct searches for that particular product.
On the right side, there is a section for adding images to the product in question.
Clicking on the 'Add' button, a drop-down will appear, where we will inform the system of the location of the resource we are going to add.
It can be a file stored on our PC, a public URL, or a video uploaded to the YouTube platform. (Other platforms are not accepted!)

Remember: Adding images is very important in Oct8ne, so you will be taking advantage of the full potential of the tool. If the uploaded product has no image, a ‘default’ image will be displayed in the viewer.
Accepted images are: jpg, png, bmp and gif.
Other extensions are NOT supported.
Once the product sheet is filled in, click on SAVE and the product will be ready to be displayed through the Oct8ne viewer.

But what about stores that want to upload many products massively?
If your catalog contains tens, hundreds or thousands of products, the best option is to perform a MASSIVE upload, i.e., a bulk upload of all the products in your store.
To do this, we will use a file, which we will call PRODUCT FEED. This file must have a series of features that we explain later. (See point 3 – File Types)
First of all, you must decide if you want to enter your catalog in Oct8ne in a PUNCTUAL way or if you want the upload of your products to be RECURRENT.
If it is PUNCTUAL, the upload will be carried out ONLY ONCE. It is ideal to have products that do not change too much their characteristics, that is to say, the description, the title, the images, the price, are stable in time. ... It's like having a punctual photograph of your catalog in Oct8ne.
On the other hand, your store works with dynamic products, i.e., they change price, description, are added, deleted, periodically, we recommend you to use a RECURRENT upload.
Go to the 'oct8ne Catalog' section of the Oct8ne panel. Click on the 'MASSIVE FEED' tab
Then on the right side click on 'Add Feed'

If you select PUNCTUAL FEED (or MANUAL)

You must inform Oct8ne of the type of FEED file you are uploading.
You can choose between CSV or XML.
You must choose a language for the FEED, it is for informational purposes only.
By clicking on the Upload File button you will be able to choose the file from your computer. Click open, and the file will be uploaded successfully.
Remember: PUNCTUAL upload is ONLY done once.
As a general rule, it does not take more than 1h approximately to correctly import your products to our servers. Be patient. Thank you! 😉

You must enter a title that will appear as a parent category in the catalog.
You must select the format of the FEED file, either CSV or XML.
You must fill in the name of the file WITH EXTENSION and the path where it will always be available for Oct8ne. We need the absolute URL to download the file on a recurring basis.
Optionally we understand that your file and / or your server may be password protected. If you wish to have an 'extra' security in your file, you will need to provide us with access permissions, either the 'username' and 'password' for remote access.
Finally, you must choose a language for the file, in an informative way, and, very importantly, the frequency with which you want Oct8ne to access your servers to download the file and update the products.
Once the form is filled out, the FEED RECURRENT will be correctly configured, and this step will not be necessary anymore.
Remember: Products will not be visible IMMEDIATELY.
The recurring import is a process that we perform at night in the early hours of the morning. As a general rule, it takes no more than approximately 24H to successfully import your products to our servers. Please be patient, thank you! 😉
To perform this type of massive product uploads we use files that serve as FEED to feed our servers with your product data. These files have a certain format and a certain nomenclature that we will review below.
A CSV (comma-separated values) file is a text file that has a specific format that allows you to save data in a structured table format.
Excel is normally used to read these files, but it is not the only software that can be used.
Note: The CSV file consists of columns and rows. Each column delimits an attribute and each row describes a product. Thecolumns represented by the attributes must be separated by commas (most common), or they can also be separated by tab, semicolon, or other characters.
The file itself defines how the columns are separated. Therefore, the rows must follow the same separator.
Use a single row for each product.
More info:
The columns (attributes) we use to import the data are the same as the standard Google Merchant format.
That is, we rely on the columns as defined in the standard Google Merchant document in the basic product data. (They must be IDENTICAL)
- Use a unique value for each product. Use the product SKU whenever possible.
- Keep the same ID when you upload your data.
- Product Name
- Titrate your product accurately.
- Don't include promotional text (such as "Free Shipping"), capitalize everything, or use foreign characters.
- For variants, it is recommended that you include a distinctive feature, such as color or size.
- Describe your product accurately. You can use the same as the web page.
- Don't include promotional text (such as "Free Shipping"), capitalize everything, or use foreign characters.
- Include only product information. Do not include links to your store, sales information, or data about your competitors, other products, or accessories.
- Product landing page
- Use your verified domain name.
- The URL must begin with http or https.
- Use an encoded URL that complies with RFC 2396 or RFC 1738. For example, the comma should be written as "%2C".
- URL of the main product image
- You must link to the main product image.
- The URL must begin with http or https.
- Use an encoded URL that complies with RFC 2396 or RFC 1738. For example, the comma should be written as "%2C".
- Use an accepted format: JPEG (.jpg/.jpeg), PNG (.png), GIF(.gif), BMP (.bmp)
- URL of an additional product image
- More than one image can be added separated by comma
- Product price
- Send the price and currency of the product; They must be accurate and match the price listed on the landing page.
- Product Offer Price
- Meet the requirements of the 'price' attribute described above.
- Category you assign to your product
- Include the full category. For example, include Home > Woman > Dresses > Long Dresses.
- Separate the different subcategories with the character 'greater than ' (>)
Note: If the file contains more columns than described above; they will not be imported into the Oct8ne catalog. They will be ignored by our system.
Note: A sample file is attached. It is usually opened with Excel, but when saving, care must be taken to respect the formatting as it is very easy to corrupt the file. We recommend opening this type of files with a text editor (Notepad++, etc.) to better observe the separators.
Note: The link field is very important, because it is the field that allows us to track the product. Through this field, we know which product the customer is looking at, and we can show it in the Oct8ne viewer.
For this, it is necessary that the link field is IDENTICAL to the canonical URL of each product page.

In case the page does not have the rel='canonical' tag, the link field must be IDENTICAL to the page URL.
A file with the .xml extension consists of an extensible markup language (XML) file, which consists of a plain text file that uses a series of custom tags to describe both the structure and other characteristics of the document.
The tags we use to import the data are the same as the standard Google Merchant format. (<item>).
To start the XML file, we will define the header inside it:
<? xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rss version="2.0" xmlns:g="http://base.google.com/ ns/1.0">
<title>You Store</title>
<description>Import demo</description>
Next, we will add within the <channel> tag the <item> product blocks.
Inside the tag (<item>), we will add the labels corresponding to the basic data of the product. Each (<item>) tag block must be added for each product to be imported.

- Use a unique value for each product. Use the product SKU whenever possible.
- Keep the same ID when you upload your data.
- Product Name
- Titrate your product accurately.
- Don't include promotional text (such as "Free Shipping"), capitalize everything, or use foreign characters.
- For variants, it is recommended that you include a distinctive feature, such as color or size.
- Describe your product accurately. You can use the same as the web page.
- Don't include promotional text (such as "Free Shipping"), capitalize everything, or use foreign characters.
- Include only product information. Do not include links to your store, sales information, or data about your competitors, other products, or accessories.
- Product landing page
- Use your verified domain name.
- The URL must begin with http or https.
- Use an encoded URL that complies with RFC 2396 or RFC 1738. For example, the comma should be written as "%2C".
- URL of the main product image
- You must link to the main product image.
- The URL must begin with http or https.
- Use an encoded URL that complies with RFC 2396 or RFC 1738. For example, the comma should be written as "%2C".
- Use an accepted format: JPEG (.jpg/.jpeg), PNG (.png), GIF(.gif), BMP (.bmp)
- URL of an additional product image
- You can add any tags you want. See example
- Product price
- Send the price and currency of the product; They must be accurate and match the price listed on the landing page.
- Product Offer Price
- Meet the requirements of the 'price' attribute described above.
- Category you assign to your product
- Include the full category. For example, include Home > Woman > Dresses > Long Dresses.
- Separate the different subcategories with the character 'greater than ' (> )
Note: The link field is very important, because it is the field that allows us to track the product. Using this field, we know which product the customer is looking at, and we can show it in the Oct8ne viewer.
For this, it is necessary that the link field is IDENTICAL to the canonical URL of each product page.

In case the page does not have the rel='canonical' tag, the link field must be IDENTICAL to the page URL.