Oct8ne dynamic widget

Oct8ne dynamic widget

How to configure the OCT8NE DYNAMIC widget

These instructions are intended for people with a minimum knowledge of web programming language:  HTML and CSS.  If this is not your case, we recommend that you contact your developers and provide them with these instructions. The installation will be very easy for them. 


Oct8ne ‘s dynamic widget is a widget that centralizes all the communication channels of your company as a 'binder'.  It is just a button that allows the user to quickly visualize the available ways to communicate with your company, from the most classic means, such as phone or mail, to digital channels such as social networks and 'live' chat.

Let's see how to set it up in 2 simple steps. Let's start:

1.- Link CSS to your page.

First of all you must invoke the CSS that, by default, Oct8ne makes available to you. You must insert it in the page (usually in the master page of your entire website) where you want to configure the dynamic widget of Oct8ne.

You must add this line in your website inside the <head> tag

For USA:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://static.oct8ne.com/api/dynamic/css/style.css">

The server to which calls should be routed depends on the Oct8ne data center to which your company is attached.

Data center






** If you are in doubt about which data center is right for you, please consult the Oct8ne support team.

Once this is done, we move on to step 2.

2.- Add the HTML template  

At this point you must add a code in the page (usually the master page of your entire website) where you want to configure the Oct8ne dynamic widget. This is the code:

 <div id="oct8ne-widget-dynamic" class="oct8ne-dynamic">


   <div class="oct8ne-channels oct8ne-animation-up">


     <div class="channel-item oct8nechat" title="Oct8ne CHAT">

       <a class="oct8nechat oct8ne-widget-on oct8ne-widget-off oct8ne-widget-no-hide"></a>


     <div class="channel-item" title="Open WhatsApp">

       <a class="whatsapp" href="https://wa.me/{PhoneNumber}?text={OptionalText}" target="_blank"> </a>


     <div class="channel-item" title="Open Messenger">

       <a class="messenger" href="https://m.me/{MessengerNameAccount}" target="_blank"></a>


     <div class="channel-item" title="Open Instagram">

       <a class="instagram" href="https://www.instagram.com/{InstagramUsername}/" target="_blank"> </a>



     <div class="channel-item" title="Phone call">

       <a class="oct8nephone" href="tel:+{Phone}"> </a>


     <div class="channel-item" title="Send an email">

       <a class="oct8nemail" href="mailto:{Email}"> </a>



   <div class="oct8ne-main-btn bubble-icon" title="All channels"></div>


This code consists of a general containing layer (div #oct8ne-widget-dynamic) where inside, we find another layer with the whole list of channels (div .oct8ne-channels).

Inside the list of channels, we find each channel separately. Each layer with the class ‘.channel-item’, corresponds to a ball in the widget.

Finally we find the main button layer (.oct8ne-main-btn), which is the button that initiates the action.


You can configure the widget you want. You can delete the items from the layer (.oct8ne-channels) that do not interest you or that you do not want. Keep only the ones that suit you best. 

You must delete the entire section corresponding to the item (div .channel-item)  that you do not want.


Some channels need to be configured with the relevant ‘urls’ of each social network, or with some additional data. You will need to modify the 'href' property of the corresponding links (<a>).

WhatsApp channel:

If you want to use this channel you will need to construct the URL of the WhatsApp number you are going to use.

You must substitute the variable {PhoneNumber}} for your number.


{PhoneNumber  WhatsApp number

Example of final URL: https://wa.me/{PhoneNumber}

Messenger channel

If you want to use this channel you will need to construct the URL of your Messenger profile that you are going to use..

You must replace the variable {MessengerNameAccount} with the name of your account.


{MessengerNameAccount}   Messenger account name

Example of final URL: https://m.me/{MessengerNameAccount}

Instagram channel:

If you want to use this channel you will need to construct the URL of the Instagram profile you are going to use.

You must substitute the variable {InstagramUsername} with the username of your Instagram account.


{InstagramUsername}   Instagram username

Example of final URL: https://www.instagram.com/{InstagramUsername}/

Phone call: 

If you want to use this channel you will need to construct the URL with the desired phone number.

You must substitute the {Phone} variable for the phone number.


{Phone  telephone number

Example of final URL: tel:+{Phone}

Send Mail:

If you wish to use this channel you will need to construct the URL with the desired email.

You must replace the {Email} variable with a valid and correctly formatted email.


{Email  e-mail

Example of final URL:  mailto:email@server.com

Congratulations! With these 2 steps you already have the Oct8ne dynamic widget installed.



Oct8ne ‘s dynamic widget can be configured with different main button icons. 

Oct8ne provides you with 2 different icons to choose from. You can do this through CSS classes, adding a CSS class to the main button layer (div .oct8ne-main-btn)


You can choose one of the two available images:


The class to be used is:   circled-icon


The class to be used is:  bubble-icon


Example:  In this case we will use  ‘bubble-icon’.  

<div class="oct8ne-main-btn bubble-icon">


Oct8ne ‘s dynamic widget can be configured in different positions on your website. 

Oct8ne offers you 4 positions so you can choose the one that best suits your website.   This can be done through CSS classes, adding a CSS class to the general container layer of the main widget (div #oct8ne-widget-dynamic).

You must choose one of the four available positions:


The widget appears in the bottom right corner of your page.

The class to use is: oct8ne-dynamic-br

**By default, if no class is specified by the 2 letters, it is bottom-right.


Display the widget in the top right corner of your page.

The class to use is:  oct8ne-dynamic-tr


Display the widget in the bottom left corner of your page.

The class to use is: oct8ne-dynamic-bl


Display the widget in the top left corner of your page

The class to use is: oct8ne-dynamic-tl


Example: In this case we will use 'top-left'.

<div id="oct8ne-widget-dynamic" class="oct8ne-dynamic-tl">


Similarly, depending on the position of the widget, the effect of the animation can also be configured by modifying the class of the channels container layer (.oct8ne-channels).

You can choose one of the four available animations, depending on the position you have chosen.

UP: Upward animation effect

The class to use is: oct8ne-animation-up

DOWN:  Downward animation effect

The class to use is: oct8ne-animation-down

RIGHT: Animation effect rightwards

The class to use is: oct8ne-animation-right

LEFT: Animation effect to left

The class to use is: oct8ne-animation-left


Example: In this case we use a downward animation.

<div class="oct8ne-channels oct8ne-animation-down">


There is an optional class that can be used in certain scenarios. You must apply it on mobile devices and it is intended to reduce the size of the widget, so that it adapts to most devices.

To apply it you must add the class  oct8ne-dynamic-mobile’  to the general container layer (#oct8ne-widget-dynamic).


Applying mobile adaptation:

<div id="oct8ne-widget-dynamic" class="oct8ne-dynamic-tl oct8ne-dynamic-mobile">

OVERWRITE CSS (optional)

In principle Oct8ne gives a generic widget, but we understand that the 'look and feel' of your page is important to you, and so you can always override the CSS properties of the dynamic widget to suit your needs.

Feel free to modify the colors and even the icons/images that Oct8ne provides by default. You can include rules in your own CSS, and don't forget to add ‘!important’  to the rule you are going to modify.

Example of code to include in your CSS file:

.channel-item a.whatsapp {

   background-color: #000000 !important;


.channel-item a.messenger {

   background-color: #000000! important;

   background-image: url(https://yourserver.com/images/youricon.png) !important;



In case you use the message callouts, you may also want to modify their CSS. 

The layers you need to modify are the layer with ID  oct8ne-alerts-callouts-wrapper  and interiors.

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