Integrate Whastsapp, Facebook and Instagram in Oct8ne

How to integrate Whastsapp into Oct8ne

In the following document, we will try to explain how we can add a phone line to WhatsApp Business API, a Facebook (professional) page, or a professional Instagram account.
Each process requires certain verifications by the business owner, which will be detailed below.

1. Add a number to WhatsApp Business API and to Oct8ne 
a. Prerequisites

Add a number to WhatsApp Business API and to Oct8ne.

The following section describes how to add a phone number to WhatsApp Business API from our Oct8ne panel using a simple wizard that will guide you step-by-step through the process.

Before starting the wizard, certain verifications must be performed, which can only be done by the Meta Business owner (the Business Manager for managing all your business on Meta) and the owner of the phone number to be linked.

The use of Meta Business is necessary since WhatsApp Business API uses Meta's technology to perform mass messaging through its API.

You can skip this part if you are sure that all prerequisites have been met.

Checks and prerequisites

The user responsible for registering the number in WhatsApp Business API must have administrator permissions (full control) in the META (Meta Business Suite or FBM from now on) admin panel.
This is necessary because a WhatsApp account will be registered as an asset in their META panel.

Review our user permissions in FBM, we need to enter our Meta Business Manager (FBM) panel and access the settings of our business portfolio.
We should click on the selector at the top left of our panel, which will display a submenu with all our company's commercial assets, and then click on the gear icon. Clicking this icon will redirect us to the settings of our business portfolio, opening by default the list of users with access to our FBM.

We must ensure that our user has Full Control (including the payments section) since we are going to add a WABA (WhatsApp Business Account), and this requires a user with permissions in this section (no charges will be made, but it is a requirement imposed by META to add the WABA).

To grant permissions to a user, we will click on the contextual menu of the user (the three-dot icon in the following image).

In the summary table, we can see the permissions of this user, which can include Partial Access, Access to Integrated Applications, etc. We can also see a submenu for our user that allows us to manage the user and grant permissions, etc.

 As a security measure, our own user generally CANNOT grant permissions to themselves. Therefore, if we need to grant extra permissions to our user, we must request it from a user who already has these permissions. Additionally, depending on the organization of our business portfolio, it may require the approval of 2 users with full control.

In the submenu, we have an option to modify the permissions of the user in question.

In the submenu, a list of permissions to grant to the user appears, and we need to select FULL CONTROL.

This type of permission is necessary to perform certain actions, such as adding a WhatsApp account to the business portfolio.

The number to be integrated with WhatsApp Business API must not be linked to any WhatsApp account. 

If the number is currently being used in a WhatsApp or WhatsApp Business account, simply deleting the app is not sufficient. We must delete the account from the WhatsApp application settings.

To delete the account, follow the steps in the following screenshots:

o From our mobile app, click on the menu (three-dot icon). 

o This will take us to the WhatsApp app settings; we will click on Account.

o In the account settings, select the last option to Delete Account.

o On the last screen, it will allow us to change the number of this WhatsApp account or delete it directly.

Once the account is deleted, we can continue with the integration process to the WhatsApp Business API.

Verify that the number is not connected to the WhatsApp Business API
The number can receive SMS or voice calls
You have a personal Facebook account

Meta requires a personal Facebook account to associate the number with your business's FBM account. During the onboarding process, you will be required to log in to your Facebook account.

Next, we will continue from our onboarding panel to integrate the number into the WhatsApp Business API and our Messaging panel.
1. Everything begins with the creation of a WhatsApp instance


2. By clicking the "Connect to 360Dialog" button, a pop-up window from our partner 360Dialog will open to create an account and associate our number.
3. In the next window, there is a form that allows us to create an account with our partner 360Dialog (necessary for managing the number, templates, etc.), or we can log in to our existing account.

4. After the account creation process, before adding the number, it asks us to confirm a couple of things before starting the number's linking to the WhatsApp Business API.

Confirm that the number is not already in the WhatsApp Business API.
Confirm that the number is not linked to any personal WhatsApp account.

5. After confirming that our number is not in either of these two cases, it will indicate that a new pop-up window will open to connect with our Meta Business panel, where we will need to fill in information related to our business and our number.

6. It will ask us to log in with our personal Facebook account (with access to FBM).

7. After confirming the Meta Business account to which the number will be linked, detailing the name of the WhatsApp account (a WhatsApp account will be created in your FBM with the name you provide here), and the name that WhatsApp users will see when they write to this account, it will ask us to choose the method to verify ownership of the number (by SMS or voice call).
* Please note that the voice call is an announcement sent by Meta, and this call may come from the United Kingdom (+44), Ireland (+353), or the USA (+1). Ensure that you are not restricted from receiving calls from these countries for any reason.

8. After activating the number's channel in 360Dialog, we need to close the pop-up window (the last screenshot showing our panel with the number already created). Then, we must click again on the "Connect to 360Dialog" button that started this process to finalize and create the instance in Oct8ne associated with the WhatsApp number.

9. This will open a new pop-up window from 360Dialog where we will see the number(s) integrated with 360Dialog. We will click on "Authorize," which will trigger a series of internal adjustments by 360Dialog, and after a few minutes, the 360Dialog pop-up window will close.

10. After closing the pop-up window, the WhatsApp instance will appear in our panel.

* Please note that WhatsApp verifies that the created channel complies with WhatsApp's commerce policies view this link, which are more restrictive than Meta's policies. If any issues arise during this verification, they may block the sending/receiving of messages (the block is implemented by META). To review the reasons for the block and resolve it, we need to go to the WhatsApp accounts in our FBM and request a new review (we have a document explaining how to request a review in case of a ban/block by META).

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